Camille Graeser

1892 Carouge, Switzerland – 1980 Zürich, Switzerland

In 1911 Graeser enrolled at the course for fur­ni­ture and inte­rior design at the Königliche Kun­st­gewerbeschule (Royal School of Arts and Crafts) in Stuttgart. On the side he made draw­ings and paint­ings that veered towards abstrac­tion. In 1918 he was accepted into the Deutsche Werk­bund (a Ger­man asso­ci­a­tion of artists, design­ers and indus­tri­al­ists) and took part in the exhi­bi­tions of the asso­ci­a­tion. In 1933 Graeser returned to Switzer­land and four years later he turned his full atten­tion to Geo­met­ric Abstrac­tion. He made sys­tem­atic paint­ings, using few but vari­antly manip­u­lated geo­met­ric ele­ments and strik­ingly bright colours. Since 1950 Graeser, together with Bill, Loewen­berg and Lohse, has been con­sid­ered one of the lead­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tives of Con­crete Art in Switzerland.

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