Group Show

Group Show

MARCH 5 – MAY 14, 2011

von Bartha, Basel

Group­ show with: Alvar Aalto, Fred­eric Cordier, Ben­jamin Cot­tam, Frédéric Dedel­ley, Camille Graeser, Ger­hard von Graevenitz, Brion Gysin, Alfredo Häberli, Auguste Herbin, Terry Hag­gerty, Daniel Robert Hun­ziker, Robert­son Käp­peli, Kon­rad Klapheck, Yves Laloy, Per­rine Lievens, Henri Matisse, Nico­las Le Moigne, Ernst Müller, Laszlo-Moholy-Nagy, Aure­lie Nemours, Karim Noureldin, Max Sauze, Mag­nus Thier­felder, Vic­tor Vasarely, John Wood / Paul Har­ri­son, Beat Zoderer. Curated by Karim Noureldin.

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