John Wood & Paul Harrison

AUG 26 – SEPT 4, 2011

von Bartha, S-chanf

John Wood (*1969 in Hong Kong) and Paul Har­ri­son (*1966 in Wolver­hamp­ton, Eng­land) both stud­ied at the Bath Col­lege of Higher Edu­ca­tion and have been work­ing together since 1993. The video works, which include per­for­mance of the Har­ri­son and Wood duo, take a posi­tion between tragedy, com­edy and irony. These works which are min­i­mal­ist, sculp­tural and have ele­ments of instal­la­tion and per­for­mance, oscil­late between fail­ure, cal­cu­la­tion and ran­dom­ness. They are exper­i­ments with the size, the vol­ume and the move­ment of the human body in rela­tion to the sur­round­ing archi­tec­ture, which the two artists have usu­ally built themselves.

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