Olaf Breuning
Big Drops

MARCH 27 – JUNE 5, 2021
von Bartha, S-chanf
Von Bartha is pleased to present a solo exhibition of new work by Swiss artist Olaf Breuning in the gallery’s S-chanf space, 27 March – 29 May 2021. BIG DROPS is Breuning’s first solo exhibition at the S-chanf gallery and features a series of seven colourful new woodcut paintings by the artist which explore the natural world and playfully address pressing subjects such as global warming.
For the new body of work on view in BIG DROPS, Breuning uses the ancient method of woodcut painting. By using blocks of roughly cut wood, the artist prints paint onto the canvas’ surface. The organic material of the woodblocks echoes the natural subjects depicted in his compositions. The paintings use bold, vivid shapes to depict foundations of the natural world such as water, earth and light, encouraging the viewer to confront their own existence within these surroundings and their role in the ecosystem.
Multi-disciplinary artist Breuning lives in Upstate New York and works across the media of performance, photography, film, sculpture, and drawing. Breuning is known for his characteristic sense of humour and work which reflects on human experience as well as cultural and political issues. Breuning’s diverse practice introduces viewers to absurd and humorous worlds, using an intentionally simple visual vocabulary to address a range of human concerns. The artist’s work crystalises particular themes, allowing viewers to reflect on both the range of human experience and the commonalities we share.
Olaf Breuning, Artist, commented: “With these large woodcut paintings, I use nature to talk about nature. After a few years of having my studio in the middle of the forest, I started to think more about my beautiful natural surroundings. It was good timing, as I believe now more than ever that we should all start to rethink how we coexist with nature. Saying that, I genuinely hope my paintings remain light, colourful, and uplifting even with a dark shadow of personal concern attached to them. After all, I am an optimist!”
Opening Hours:
March 27–April 5, daily from 3–6.30 pm
April 6–May 29, by appointment only
June 5th from 3–6.30 pm
von Bartha follows the recommendations of the Federal Office of Public Health and implements sanitary measures to protect our team and visitors from Covid-19 and its spread.
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