Bernar Venet

b. 1941 born Château-Arnoux, France, lives and works in Le Muy, France

Bernar Venet stud­ied in 1958 at the munic­i­pal art school in Nice. From then until 1963 he worked as a stage designer at the Nice Opera, at the same time immers­ing him­self in paint­ing, draw­ing and pho­tog­ra­phy. In 1971 he broke off his artis­tic activ­i­ties to devote him­self to the­ory, teach­ing art and art the­ory at the Sor­bonne in Paris from 1971–76. Through the pre­oc­cu­pa­tion with physics and math­e­mat­i­cal phe­nom­ena, he found in 1976 in the line the sub­ject that he would focus on in his work. Even­tu­ally Venet returned to his own cre­ative work and pro­duced paint­ings, wooden reliefs and steel sculp­tures. The steel sculp­tures reach heights from 30 cm to 20 m per­vad­ing as dynamic move­ment inte­rior and exte­rior spaces. It is Venet’s insatiable curiosity and desire to push both his own limits and the frontiers of art that have led to him making a significant impact on the development of contemporary art. Venet is the most internationally exhibited French artist and, to date, the number of Venet’s public sculpture exhibitions amounts to no less than 30.

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